Mahdi Boukhadra There is a chance he will, if his new album will be that phenomenal as I think it will. There's a big chance his next album will be even better than the last one, and it is a very good sign.
how come these songs don't have 1,000,000 views????? its amazing, mix with Daft Punk/Justice but with sounds that just take you by surprise... I am really loving this!
sollte meiner Meinung nach ne maximal begrenzung von 150 km/h geben. Dann gäbe es auch erstens nicht diese scheiß Ausländer die zum rasen auf die Autobahn kommen und die Autobahnmaut sollte für Ausländer eingeführt werden.
love your stuff man...good in a party and all. Haven't heard that kind of music anywhere else. There is a lot of copy/paste from your last album but doesn't matter because i am overwerking on that mainly all the time :)
Still one of the greatest tracks to hit the internet...a moment of silence for those who will never have the privilege of hearing this masterpiece
7 Years Later....still one of my favourites
Well it is already 8 eayrs later and nothing changed, still I like it. And you?
Overwerk is fenomenal
You mean 10?!
well now its 11! WOW thats a lot of time.@@notRODALI
@@CrazyBrosMusic11 years gang 🎉🔥✌
damn 10 years and still one of the best songs to exist.
why is this guy not famous?
Actually, his music was used in commercials of famous companies such as GoPro and Lamborghini.
Relax one of his songs is the theme of a gopro comercial (sorry for my bad english ;) )
+Mahdi Boukhadhra i think everyone knows the songs (some of em) but dont know the exact titles nor the guy
+Mahdi Boukhadhra He sold some rights of his songs.
Mahdi Boukhadra There is a chance he will, if his new album will be that phenomenal as I think it will.
There's a big chance his next album will be even better than the last one, and it is a very good sign.
One of my favorite songs!!! Keep up the awesome work!
Still being one of them?
you mean the awesome werk?
The bass in OVERWERKS tracks is always so awesome o.o
i wonder why this song has few visits ? this guy deserve a better place.
I will always remember using this song to PR to my deadlift and general weight lifting goals in my college years :,). Thanks for upload
Relapse is possibly my fave Overwerk track!! What a masterpiece. Thank you Edmund!!!
A world where this is not on spotify cannot be a good world. I hope the world will chance soon^^
Still waiting …
Still waiting 😭
Stumbled onto Overwerk listening to a daft punk remix, and immediately bought this album. I could listen all day.
how come these songs don't have 1,000,000 views????? its amazing, mix with Daft Punk/Justice but with sounds that just take you by surprise... I am really loving this!
I guess things take some time
2k away 9 yrs later
@@christopherstein2024 definitely
We hit 1 Mil now :D
We hit it! :D
One of the best electro song i have ever heard 🔥🔥🔥💕
listening to the After Hours playlist and all I am thinking about is "OMG AWESOME!" :)
ungespielt xD
***** where :D
This has been my ski soundtrack for the past 7 it!
This is literally amazing.
Discovered this guy in 2015 still feels like yesterday
1:43 on the freeway 130km/h .............
simply spectacular
that is pretty slow...where do you live? 260 km/h on the good old German Autobahn would be better I guess
Nolfavrell but I live in spain bro 120 is the limit
sollte meiner Meinung nach ne maximal begrenzung von 150 km/h geben. Dann gäbe es auch erstens nicht diese scheiß Ausländer die zum rasen auf die Autobahn kommen und die Autobahnmaut sollte für Ausländer eingeführt werden.
180km/h In France highway with this!!
You guys are all going to die
Still one of my all time favorite songs
if you're here, congratulations, then you're a superior human being
I was exactly thinking the same man even if it's maybe a little bit pretentious ^^
@@corentinbedikian a lot a bit pretentious
Bro, cultural supremacy is some Nazi shit. Don't buy into that.
What's that opposed to mean
OVERWERK never gets old!!!!
King of Electro!
2024 and still loving this track!
Just got recommended this material from someone. It sounds very much like Daft Punk. I like. High five!
Das Lied knallt so heftig rein xD
Da fangen meine Beats an zu springen
This playlist = multiple eargasm
my ears just came... time to get the q-tips...
Well that's just weird
This song hits everyone of my brains pleasure zones. I love it so so much!
The hell of a sound !!!!! Thumb up!!!
Meiner Meinung nach das beste Lied von Overwerk
Good music for work. Overwork. Overwerk
very clever start to a song, i like
KV-2 spotted! TAKE COVER!
CareerGamer2012 world of tanks sucks donkey balls
CareerGamer2012 HAHAHAHAHAH i'm playing with a Kv-2 now
+Forthencho focus kv2 xDDD
@@CareerGamer2012 CALL THE PAKS!
Awsome werk
This is the first track in our Weekend Mix! Really liking this! But then again, all your stuff is amazing!
#OHRgasmus :D Jungs weiter so!
#OHRgasmus 😂😂😂😂😂😂👌👌👊 Ich feier den Hashtag voll xD
These were good times back in the days
😱😱😱 Absolument lourd à écouter en boucle le nom de la musique et bien choisi pour le coup..... Merci
love overwerk 4 life !
I love this track! Thanks Overwerk
Congrats on 9000 subscribers!
Amazing sound... Full power!
Genius mind at work here.
Thanks for sharing
i believe that this needs moreviews
this song is too good
This track is so sick!!!!!
Yet another amazing WERK by Overwerk. nice EP.
Ich liebe diese Musik
i got shiver. no joke! just so awesome!
The big question is why this particular song is not on Spotify 🥲
This song reminds me so much of the first times of Daft Punk
dont we all deserve a better place?
I love the beginning!
Also does anyone else notice that OVERWERK gets only amazingly nice comments? (: OVERWERK IS AWESOME!
This is so amazingly amazing.
Overwerk. You're amazing.
Bought it, like the first one 11 months ago :D Your songs are so good!
i DONT need more at my ears,ill never find something cooler than this
sincerly, you're a genius, nothing to add!
Your work is so fresh dude, it´s just amazing, hope you make it brah, cause your music is just brilliant.
Wow, wow, wow - Where have you been all my life....
Where you have* :D
Catception The bad thing about it is YOUR CORRECTION IS WRONG...
It's right how he said it -.-
Catception You can't even spell grammar correctly, you imbecile!
GhostlyPrat burn your computer
X88X All these mean comments, just because I wrote a comment, that even was sarcasm..
GUys, chill, srsly! Im not even english^^
Quarantine listening
ungespielt! :D
Alter was habt ihr alle mit ungespielt? Geht zu contact!
yannicsnake2000 Bist doch selber von ungespielt hier aso und das kommentar war vor 8 monaten da kanntest du den net mal noob
ich bin nich wegen ungespielt da... NOOB
yannicsnake2000 doch bist du
Amo MC YouRude - Shitstorm
one of the best songs evaar XD
Thats the best musik eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer :3
Such a crunchy bumping jam. You deserve to be up there with deadmau5
The best!
How is this the first time I'm hearing these productions? I would have played the shit out of these tracks when I was touring😢
this music is so much like daft punk.. cool!
It must have more views because it's so nice, only awesome :D
great!!!! awesome!!!
me too, i love his music :)
MineJerks ;))) Bin nir ween ihnen hier :)
I love this track
Are you going on tour? You should come to Portland, OR!
got a signed copy of this one and of the nth
Could you please come to Montreal?? 🙏🙏🙏
love your stuff man...good in a party and all. Haven't heard that kind of music anywhere else. There is a lot of copy/paste from your last album but doesn't matter because i am overwerking on that mainly all the time :)
je l adore cette chanson
Like it:) (Found this one in Luu skiing video.)
your music kinda reminds me of Daft Punk. this is good stuff.
I can only werk while listening to this music. Werking otherwise is less productive
epic music
best one
énorme son !
I feel ya mate
I can't stop listening lol
Yes he should I would love to watch him to
GoPro is a camera, this is music :P
Love all your songs. What music program do use?
This Song is cool der Song ist cool
Oh nice :D
Its to good to be true
keep doing this bro
I love love love love love .. wait .. click 0:00 .. love love love love