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Reviews for "Twatlight"

hope they do make the sequals...

...just so i can watch more stuff like this lol

LOL awsome

loved it and ur right twilight sucks lol so i loved it even more!
oh and twilightfreak123 ur names very accruate u are a freak and u like twilight there for ur opinion is not valid and does not matter so go away, lock ur self in ur room and do society a favor and never ever come out again.
oh and don't have children we could do with out ur genetics poisening the gene pool.

shut up jpoctavarium the parody was funny

i read the book and the movie still sucked, its a movie should not hav to go buy a fucking book to understand it lik harry potter never touched the book but watch the movies and liked . what are u 9 ?


just realized that is cedric


i love this its soo true hes like "im a monster" next 2 second "oh i love i hope were always together forever"next minute "no we can never be together Bella" i mean WHAT THE FUCK if ur gonna love her love her shit!!!
and the movie was a huge let down i think Edward and Bella should stay in the books.