Should there just be a "Mass shooting in the US" sticky thread?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Never mind the guns for a minute but why are people deciding to thrown their own lives down the toilet while turning against the entire human race trying to annihilate the world? Why? What is in their heads? Why have they become so hateful? Why does their own existence not even matter anymore? It's not racial or even economic as there is much diversity in these mass murderers even as far as environment and genetics too. The only common thread is that none of them seem to be able to get laid in a whorehouse even with Warren Buffet's bank account numbers tattooed on the side of their face.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well that is a major part of the problem. They can't figure out why, so they can't nail down who. The world today dumps a lot more crap on us these days, and unfortunately, some people lose it, and snap. The guy in Buffalo NY was racially motivated.


Most of the mass-shooters have been radicalized by the Fascio-Christian far-right nazi aholes, now aka ahole Trumps base.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism

The murderer blames it on ‘Society’. He had a history of depression and anger issues mixed with a Columbine obsession. His initial target was going to be a high school on September 8th, but he couldn’t control the rage anymore.

I would suggest it is the obsession with something - violence, religion, racism, et al. - which motivates them. They keep focusing on it and it becomes them. If no one intervenes, they just spiral out of control. Somewhere they lose their ability to modulate their thinking. He was no different than a suicide bomber. (Fair warning: I am not psychologist.)

Let me know when we can start minding the guns again.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Most of the mass-shooters have been radicalized by the Fascio-Christian far-right nazi aholes, now aka ahole Trumps base.

Some have but haven't pretty much all of them been low self-esteem, introverted, loser incels who couldn't even look a woman in the eye to ask her for a date and are more likely to live a life of masturbation hiding behind a monitor to virtually fulfill their fantasy while their brain rots from the excessive viewing of pornography?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
All clear. You can go back to blaming the guns.
I don’t want to blame the guns. We don’t blame cars for drunk driving. The user is clearly to blame. How the fucker was able to obtain his weapons with only deminimis obstacles would be my focus. We at least want new drivers to have training and perform in front of a neutral observer.

My argument is a losing one I know. :brick:


Some have but haven't pretty much all of them been low self-esteem, introverted, loser incels who couldn't even look a woman in the eye to ask her for a date and are more likely to live a life of masturbation hiding behind a monitor to virtually fulfill their fantasy while their brain rots from the excessive viewing of pornography?
You paraphrased what I wrote.

Guns don't kill people, aholes and idiots with guns kill people.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Ban porn; not guns!

I'm not trying to make laws to restrict anybody's rights here. It might be good to examine what's in a person's head before there is something in their hand. I'm sure you have come across people you think marinate and saturate their psyche in pornography and watch way too much.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I'm not trying to make laws to restrict anybody's rights here. It might be good to examine what's in a person's head before there is something in their hand.
I completely agree with your statement here. Others seem to disagree though.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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I completely agree with your statement here. Others seem to disagree though.

Too many use the intimacy in pornography as a substitute for real life. When you're in your 40s and 50s it's nice to have real people in your life that you love instead of filling that void fiddling with your Johnson while looking at a monitor. Every day the same thing over and over as you keep distancing yourself from real people and the human experience.
If it's the person that uses them and not the guns that are the problem why shouldn't we legalize the normal everyday citizens of this country having cruise missiles, grenades, tanks, RPGs, phosphorus weapons, napalm dropped from planes, chemical weapons, military flame throwers, fully automatic weapons, high yield explosive bunker busters, fertilizer car bombs, and nuclear weapons? After all it's not their fault if they kill a bunch of people, it's the person that's using it, right...right? Why blame some poor non-sentient object like that. Those poor innocent weapons don't deserve that. By some on here's logic it should be all good. Why shouldn't anybody that can past a extremely cursory and very quick background check get those things? I mean guns don't kill people. People kill people,...with guns. I ask you all to join with me to do all we can to reverse this travesty and affront to our freedom.

What kind of damn foolishness and logic is it to do something like, you know, take the lethality of an object or tool into account when assigning blame to it or whether somebody should ever have access to it? That's crazy talk.

I mean it's not like a modern gun allows a singular individual only modestly familiar with them to walk into a building and reasonably be able to kill dozens of people...oh wait. Okay, just forget about that for a second. I mean our great and illustrious founding fathers whom we rightfully hero worship and had compete unanimous agreements among themselves totally had this in mind when they came up with the Second Amendment. It's not like the stuff we have now is much more accurate, much more powerful, and literally shoots hundreds to thousands of times faster than anything they could conceive of back then. That's totally what they foresaw and meant. (checks notes) oh wait, again.

Okay, okay, but at least if nothing else you can rest assured that all rights are absolute and unlimited no matter what, and that none of them can be restricted based on how they affect others or impact safety. (checks notes again.................)

If nothing else fails remember the right to those is God given God damn it, and it's what Jesus would have wanted. Just like it says in the Bible.


Why can't getting a gun license be the same as getting a driver's license?

A person has to take a course on gun safety. Then you take a written or oral test, and a test at a gun range.
Then a psych-eval test with questions like, "You look down and see a tortoise laying on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, swinging its legs trying to turn itself over. Do you flip the tortoise over onto its legs or do you shoot the tortoise?"

If the person fails the test, he can't legally buy or use a gun. So he has to take the gun safety course and tests again in a month.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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With that Psych Test I would include a very important task. There is a woman standing on the other side of the room. Your mission is to approach her, make eye contact, then ask her out for some pie and coffee. If this seems like an event that would cause trauma, distress, and/or resentment I want you to leave the gun store immediately. No soup for you!


Is the woman nude? It's easier to talk to a nude woman. What if the woman isn't your type? That's a flawed test.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
A wise man told me the other day
I'm not trying to make laws to restrict anybody's rights here. It might be good to examine what's in a person's head before there is something in their hand.
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Little Red Wagon Repairman

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A wish man told me the other day

Nothing is absolute. Maybe a wee bit of restriction. These incel fucks tho... Pretty consistent pattern, no? Imagine how many murders Lemon Drop prevented. They should pin a badge on her saggy tits. They're so saggy you'll mistake the badge for a belt buckle.