Wonderful Salmon dish!!! I doubled the marinade and added a touch of honey. Marinated only 30 min as recipe stated and cooked the salmon in the marinade basting twice during cooking. Served with wild rice and steamed broccoli. Will be my go-to recipe for salmon. Easy, tasty, and quick to boot! Thanks!
Quite delicious!!! I cooked the rice separately and used 1 can crushed tomatoes, 1 can tomato sauce, and used large fresh shrimp. Some extra seasonings, garlic powder and a little sugar to cut bitterness of tomatoes (maybe 1/2 tsp). Finally I added in about a cup of frozen okra 5 min before it was done. Served over buttered white rice w/ crusty french bread. My hunny could eat this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
So good!!! Omitted the MSG (I'd NEVER put that in our food), did not use the flour either. I halved the recipe but kept the butter, sugar and salt the same. It was the best cream corn I ever tasted, will NEVER BUY CANNED AGAIN!!!!
Better than Manwich!!!! I used ground turkey, doubled the recipe and did not measure the onion/garlic powders; just dumped some of each in. Served w/ corn and buttery toasted sesame seed buns. I was getting all kinds of mmmm's during the meal. Thanks for a great recipe; I felt great about serving it!
THE PERFECT OATMEAL COOKIE!!!!!!!!!! I used all butter and omitted the cloves and raisins. I added in some choc. chips and walnuts. I have been asked to sale these!!!! Thanks Ms. Beth!!!
Although very delicious, this came out very moist after staying in the oven for an entire hour. For that reason my hunny did not like it. I enjoyed it rather well and will make it again with some adjustments.
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