fellow alphas it's been a while

, I share with you something that I started a long ago with a special Haruhi card. I must add that some of the faces were made by me but only like 15% of the characters in this collection, I only did the customes and some tweaks around bodies. Please enjoy yourself in this college.
Can I also ask for a tip? I'm looking for a way to do custom animations in
StudioNeo, can someone give me a hand with a basic tutorial? Youtube has failed me in this matter.
So once again I hope you enjoy my "taste in design"

, let me know if you like it and thanks for reading
Girls attending:
-League Club: Caitlyn, Lux, Jinx, Sona, Ahri, Katarina and Fiora
-Overwatch: D.Va and Widow
-Disney: Ariel
-Other games: Parasoul, Laura, Sarah
-Animes: Melty, Shaltear, Nejire, Ochako, Mount Lady, Aqua, Haruhi
-DC: Riven