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I see, so when Kougami met Makishima he became a latent criminal.. that makes me really curious on what kind of man the latter really is. This case felt quite anticlimactic in my opinion, but at least it's developing the grand plot well.
I love how the design of these guns is so inherently dumb. You literally cannot apprehend any criminal above a certain level without killing them instantly. That way you can never catch or interrogate anybody. And yes, I get that the system is supposed to be flawed.
I fucking loved this episode, the whole cat and mouse chase, the scene where they find him and blow his damn arm off, and of course, whats not to love about spookie boogie
OHH he used to be an inspector himself. That makes sense I guess, like the old man said "You stare into the abyss long enough the abyss stares back at you."
I really would have loved to see what the old man had to say about the internet and what effect it has on people and society, too bad we didn't get that. Still the talk about how communication evolved and the social nature of people, respectively how it evolved into the internet, was very interesting and is something to think about.
It is also very cool how we got introduced to the world of crime heads. People that despite how harsh the Sybil system is, find ways to hide and conduct, direct crime, maybe one of the main antagonists of the series.
The backstory of Shinya is also very very cool. One could say it was predictable, but still, a former investigator that lost himself due to a case, and is bound to solving it even after having his life screwed from it, is perfect for this anime in my opinion, and his character is perfectly set up for that. I also look forward to how they will show the old relationships between Shinya and the rest, I also wonder how they progressed or regressed since that incident. It definitely is true that he stood out like the most detective guy out there, he clearly has the most capable mind and the best character for succeeding in this line of work. Now I also pity Ginoza to be honest, he must have also gotten quite a bit of emotional damage from that tragic incident.
The music must also be taken into account once again. To me all the OSTs are absolutely amazing. They are perfectly suited for the anime and have that vibe. Maybe only Cowboy Bebop and Bleach impressed me so much music wise so far (of course talking about in-episode music, not OPs or EPs, although those are masterpieces in this case too).
Shinya's character is getting more and more interesting, I'm sure that the case which led him to becoming a "criminal" will be somehow relevant in the future
I love the setting. I m watching the series years after game Cyberpunk was released. The setting reminds me of the game greatly. Wanna play again some missions.