Others Learning to make a game - Chunli fks old trainer

May 27, 2024
Hi, I'm learning to become a dev and wanted to show what I'm working on

For now I'm making an extremely minimalist VN where Chunli needs an old trainer's help and being the creep he is, he will try to get with her
Old trainer has 2 friends that might also get lucky with Chunli, a fat white guy Jamie and his best friend who is a young guy, he's black/indian

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May 27, 2024
Clothes, textures, hair, models, all made by me
Very time consuming but I'm doing gamedev for fun, not to make money asap
May 27, 2024

Messed around with Godot a bit, still unsure if I'll use Godot or just make it a comic
I have the main storyline and characters created, the idea for the ending is that the player chooses who she ends up with (the fat guy, old guy or the younger guy)
I'm happy with how she looks, she's hot, but rendering almost completely changes the look so idk

This might turn into a dev thread if I keep developing this

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May 27, 2024
Also I'm unsure if I should improve her ass as she takes the yoga classes or have a nice big ass since the beginning
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