Let's Talk Meat???

What is your favorite meat or other protein???

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milf n' cookies
I voted for chicken......followed by beef, pork, fish, and shrimp.


Steak rare to med rare anything over that is a wqste of a good seak.
Pork, YUMMYYYYYY, the other white meat.


UGH hello double post have a happy new year
Beef. The best ribeye steak I have ever had was at St.Elmo's Steakhouse in Indy. Yum! :thumbsup:
But I like all kinds of meat except pork.
There is a place around me that serves an awesome 16 ounce steak cook to the legal limit of rare with a slab of yummy ribs, kick ass Southwestern style chili, and spiced rice.

Ah what a glorious place that is! :hatsoff:
You should also try out a leg of L3ggy, with mint sauce, served on the stomach of Whimsy.

hard to beat, though loves to be beat hard.

I been marinading in a special Thai blend to add a bit of extra spice to that mint sauced meat too... :hatsoff: