
I imagine Harper is a long way off. Probably not this year? It's likely 5 months until we play the first basketball game, even (game's one year anniversary update?).
Could be that my wierd brain take me way to deep into the story but even with the option of interaction with Coach Harper :) i woudn't take it.. I although turned nat down to friendzone for not running into funny stuff with harp. But like i mentiont bevor thats just the story that fits for me ;)
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Реакции: OEJ и Kingkong53


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I was in the process of saying basically the same thing Crabs did. I'm also confused where you get the interpretation where she says that you'll only doing it with girls "she tells you to" cuz at no point does it say that Rachaels exact words are "You will only get girls you agree to"
Well this line
"Just in the future... if I don't tell you about them, you don't do anything with them. Understood?"
However I can understand the context around the line better as the game assumes you stood them up, which makes slightly more sense.
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So Rachael says Keyana and her wife were annoyed (twice declined) then she says Which I thought was the point anyway. What it seems like though is that Keyana thought she was going to do it with you, even though it's the MC's choice
what she meant was that if she sent you a picture of one girl and you agree to her and it's time to do the dirty but she not there and someone else is or she brings in another person, that you shouldn't do anything because your aren't protected by one of her contracts


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Which I thought was the point anyway. What it seems like though is that Keyana thought she was going to do it with you, even though it's the MC's choice
That's the text bug I was talking about. What she was referring to was the original "deal" was just Keyana, however Keyana wanted her wife to be the one getting pregnant, which was not what was originally arranged with Rachel, but MC agreed to it (again, discounting the text bug) when meeting her in the park. So that's the "if I don't tell you about them, you don't do anything with them"


Active Member
So Rachael says Keyana and her wife were annoyed (twice declined) then she says Which I thought was the point anyway. What it seems like though is that Keyana thought she was going to do it with you, even though it's the MC's choice
The "just in the future" line is regards the contract that was signed. The initial contract was signed for Keyana to be the mother of the child, when in fact that it was her wife that was to bear the child. So Racheal did not want MC to sleep with women that he had agreed to until confirmed by Racheaal so that there was no blowback for MC.


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The "just in the future" line is regards the contract that was signed. The initial contract was signed for Keyana to be the mother of the child, when in fact that it was her wife that was to bear the child. So Racheal did not want MC to sleep with women that he had agreed to until confirmed by Racheaal so that there was no blowback for MC.
Ahh so that's why she says that. Without context the line doesn't make sense. Thanks!

The Krypt Angel

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Wait, some of you turn girls/women down?o_O
The Nurse... I just can't bring myself to bang a woman that's prolly the same age as my mother lol...I may be a degenerate but I have standards

Then there's those poor misguided souls who said no to my Goddess..... poor heathen bastards will be the first to burn when The Baileyocalypse comes to pass


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Always turn the nurse down, never turn down Bailey. She's too cute to be ignored, plus the shapes in her hair is cool.

The Krypt Angel

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When people are devoted reason fails them logic is but a dream
pffft Kinda preaching to the choir here....my devotion to Bailey lead to me to found a cult in her name not to mention my pet Bailey avatar talks on a semi regular basis. Safe to say I told logic and reason to fuck off long ago lol
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